We design, build and install electrical control panels to meet customer demands and projects.
We supply and install control panels for new generator sets and offer upgrades for existing generators. We offer end user training to ensure that operators and team at site are familiar to interface with the system properly.
Our Control Panels products cover the following:
- The Generator controllers dedicated to control the Stand alone diesel Generator, covering a wide range of applications from Basic controllers assuring minimum requirements to advanced system assuring monitoring, remote control, remote monitoring and interface with other industrial / residential systems.
- The Generator controllers dedicated for synchronizing / Paralleling Application, between Generators, or between Generators and utility grid.
- Control Panels for single fuel oil filling systems and duplex systems between Tanks and Generators (Transfer pumps)
- Automatic transfer switch ATS controllers: without bypass, with single bypass and with double bypass, cyclic ATS.
- Remote, wireless communication modules to control locate and monitor the generating sets.
- Controllers of Automatic Load banks.
Features and options offered:
- Interface with the BMS
- Interface with SCADA system
- Interface with Local network
- Notifications of Generator status by SMS or e-mail
- Remote displays and annunciation panels
Download Product Specifications
Rahul Shah
One of the leading generator manufacturing company. Authorized dealer for Genuine Perkins Spare parts. Best Service and Customer Satisfaction - I strongly recommend them.

Aditya Shriwastav
One of the most leading diesel general supplier ,very good and value your business and comittment, Management is very good and they are too much concerned about customer satisfaction.

Rylan Hoffman
I bought the Genset generator and its good at running and the company's service is good. The good marketing team of Jubaili Bros....keep it up

Emali Jhon
Jubaili Bros a trusted generator supplier in UAE with efficient quality products and maintenance team.